- it has been more than 30 hours now and there is an error with watani online!, the 1st few hours only credit cards system was down, then the whole watani online down, after like 5-6 hours watani online is back but the credit cards system is still down ..
و الحل عند ٨٠١٨٠١ ١٠ دقايق و تنحل المشكله واحد بس اللي قالي ساعه بالكثير و امتدت الي ٣٠ ساعه و مستمره
what if i am travelling and need to checkout from a hotel or ayshay ?
- Few weeks ago , someone from NBK called me around 9 P.M to tell me that my card won't be working after 3 hours so if i need any cash i have to go to any NBK ATM ang get enough cash because i won't get the new card until 1 week later !
9 PM !!
1 week to issue a new card!!
3 hours!!
what if i am not in Kuwait and i need my atm card?!
what if i cant go out now to get the cash i want?!
what if i am waiting my salary?!
what if .. what if .. what if ?!
بنك الخليج المآسوف عليه كان يدق علي عملاه يستاذنهم بايقاف البطاقه ٢٤ ساعه فقط لاستلام الجديده !
التمويل يعطي فتره ابلاغ و غيره و غيره
ّسالت الموظف هل البطاقه فقط بتوقف و الا حتي الاونلاين و الدخول للخدمه الهاتفيه ؟
اخذ ١٠ دقايق ليتاكد و الجواب كان فقط بطاقه السحب
ّسالت مره ثانيه اكيد؟
طبعا !
اوكي !
after about 45 mins i tried to join NBK online , YOUR CARD IS TEMP BLOCKED !!
i called 801801 and when i entered the cards number and pin ! the answer : raje3 bankak tot tot tot !!
i had another NBK card i entered it to talk to on of the emp ! the answer well sorry i can do nothing after 1 week go to your branch you will find ur new card is ready, anything i can help u with?
if you need to get the money go to ur branch after the weekend and show them ur civil ID!
i am travelling tomorrow?
well, i dont know , use ur another card, i can submit a request now to transfer the money from your blocked account to your active one but this will take 1-2 bus. days + weekend !
sorry walla ..
la wallah ?
- الشهر اللي فات كنت مسافره
سفره ١٠ ايام
تقريبا في اليوم السادس للسفره حاولت اسحب من كرت الوطني
ّIt didnt work , i tried to buy directly from the store also it didnt work , i used my visa card.
3adi it happens ..
after a day , i tried again , my both NBK cards , also it didnt work !
2 days ! it didnt work !
i called 801801 they said we dont have any problem its with the ATM machines or stores u try ur card with!
then my mother and aunt were te7el6ming that their NBK cards embaressed them , my cousin also said she tried 3 ATM machines and it didnt work !
Ah ha ! the problem then with NBK not my card or the ATM machines.. ok ..
Outside Kuwait , 3 days and we came back to Kuwait and the problem wasnt solved yet..
what if .. what if .. what if ?!
- BTW , the NBK above error is a daily error , but its always between 5-6 and 11-1 AM now its cont.
- Few weeks ago NBK called to change my ATM card with the new smart card , also 6ab3an blocked my card for a week and when i got it i asked if the PIN is the same? the answer was Ofcourse it is ..
before i leave the branch i tried in case there is a problem with the pin or something , the machine was out of service .. ok np .
it was Thu. And again i was travelling friday night for a short bus. trip
i tried the card from another ATM on my way home it said PIN is in correct
i called 801801 , he said oh new card? wait 12 hours and it will work fine
after 24 hours , i tried again , incorrect pin , i called again , another guy said eveything is fine here just try from NBK machine not a K-net
i tried again , and KHATHAW KARTI!
i called 801801 ! he said no problem go to the branch on sunday u entered the pin 3 times ghala6!
i didnt !
u did
i didnt !
well the system said u did , maybe u forgot or u were trying ur other card? or ur old one? make sure u r trying the new one
sij? tot tot tot
- 2 times i tried the deposit service
من المكينه .. و تنسحب الفلوس و اتعلق و انطر اروح البنك
و اقدم الكليم مالهم و يقولون لي ٣-٧ ايام و الفلوس في حسابج
و انطر ١٠ ايام و ماكو شي
و اراجع مره ثانيه .. مره مضيعين الكليم و اقدمه مره ثانيه و انطر اسبوع ثاني و ايضا ما نزل شي و رحت لهم و تكرمت علي موظفه و نزلتهم بنفس الوقت!
المره الثانيه الموظف كان مو شايف الطلب و استعيل فيه ! يحليله !
- i transfered money from my account to my visa card , the money was deducted from my account , but 6ar ! ma ra7 il visa !
i contacted NBK online .. no reply ..
again .. no reply
called 801801 .. submit a request ..
2 visites and claims with my branch ..
money is back after 1 month !!
- the coming one is funny :
i was in egypt last week ..
i tried to get some cash from HSBC ATM machine ..
there was error , try again , then contact ur bank
i tried 3 times , didnt work
i tried another machine and it worked fine ..
بالليل و انا اشيك حسابي اونلاين
و الا في حول ٣٠٠ ناقصين ! قلت معلق و الا شي
اليوم الثاني اشيك و الا ٣ عمليات كل وحده ١٠٠ و يمهم
Hong Kong bank !
haw ! hong kong !
i called 801801 , the guy kharra3ni
read his explanation :
اكيد في هاكر بهونج كونج مخترق اجهزه البنك في مصر و في اكواد معينه قاعده تسحب الفلوس من حسابج و تحولها لحسابه في هونج كونج.. فالحين لازم الغي بطاقتج و اوقف حسابج لان المعلومات تم نسخها له اكيد
ma ligaw ghair bi6aqni !! wi7sabi khalf allah 3alaih!!
i gave him another acc to transfer the available amount to it and block my acc until blah blah blah ..
after 10 mins .. he called me again ..
oh sorry ,
انتي مو مبين عندج الاسم كامل و انا سوري ما قريت كل المعلومات هذا فعلا بنك مصر بس الرمز هونج كونج اسف اختي خلاص انتي راجعي البنك لما تردين ال ٣٠٠ هذي بس خطا و ترجع !
هاكر هاه !
- i have like more 10 reasons to not trust NBK again ! bas i think the above are enough !