Monday, December 22, 2008

Blackberry Curve 8900 in Q8

السلام عليكم

BlackBerry Curve 8900 "Javelin"

اخف و اصغر بلاكبيري بلوحه مفاتيح كامله

its called also (Mini-Bold)

حيث انه يجمع مميزات البولد و شكله علي اصغر و اخف و اضعف

it looks good , the 1st BB i liked its look !

Much smaller than Blackberry Bold, BB Storm and iphone. Lighter and thinner also ..

من مميزاته :

1- Small , Thin and Light. it looks nice compared to other BB phones.

2- It has Wi-Fi unlin=ke BB-Storm, also has GPS.

3- Camera 3.2, but pics looks better than nokia 5mp camera!

4- Battery life!

5- You can find more here

اما عن عيوبه !

It doesn't support 3G !!!

Anyways , so far it looks nice Blackberry. i loved it more than Storm. if it has 3G i would love it more than Bold too :/


`~MnO YeNSa! ~` said...
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`~MnO YeNSa! ~` said...

i like it,,
try it o golili ,,:)
shakla eshwag

3lech bel 3afya

ZooZ "3grbgr" said...

i donno why i always press 2 to 3 keyswhen i type in BB only!!

I said only BB .. my fingers are not that big


Cr8ivia said...

`~MnO YeNSa! ~`

its cool
the only bad thing that it lacks 3G !



well i used to press 2/3 keys together even with iphone but not anymore :D

enter-q8 said...

يوبا نزليه الموقع

و نزلي مواضيعك اللي قبل

Cr8ivia said...


madre inna its ready !

lawyer said...

mn wain a7a9llaaaaa??


jaaaaaaad jaaaaaaad etha aby eshlon?

Sh7afana said...

bayeebli wa7ed

Anonymous said...

looks nice!

Anonymous said...

how much does it cost?

Anonymous said...

nice walal!

TReSTeN said...


but without 3G

useless !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

actually 3g is useless in kuwait o it uses a lot of battery power so it's better off

you don't need 3g unless you surf the net all the time (edge is fine) or you use video call which is not available on the bb

so i would really rank it as the best bb out there, it's just a matter of how stable it is cause the bold wasn't that stable when it first came out

بنت الشاميه said...

كل سنة وانت طيبه
عام سعيد للكل والجميع

Shaima'a Alkandari said...

w3laykom el salam

rfejty shrta w le al7en ma shtkt mnh

3lej bl3afya

Anonymous said...

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