Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Could this be love?

If you only knew

What I've been going through

Waiting and wanting you

Could this be love?

How, tell me how will I know ?

Will my heart make me believe it so ?

Or can I trust the way I feel ?

If you could read my mind

You see how hard I've tried

Still I can't decide

If you only knew

What I've been going through

Waiting and wanting you

Could this be love

Oh, tell me could this be love

Do you know if it's true

That real love lasts a lifetime

Does it shine like the stars up in the sky

And do you know if you can fall for

Just a moment

Is a moment for all time

Why, why am I so unsure

Is that love knocking at my door

Or the sound of my beating heart

If you could read my mind

You know I just can't hide

What I feel inside

Oh, tell me could this be love?


shakshaka said...

yes its love andddd dont hide it:P

lawyer said...


its Love

yaaaaaaaah hatha al7oob..

she`nna am abynnaaaa

sologa-bologa said...

بصراحة الكلام يقول
هذا هو الحب

لكن الصورة تعطيني انطباع
إنه حب من النوع العصري

أقدر أسميه

حب الشموع
والوردة الحمراء


نتمنى لكم حبا دائما

Engineeroo said...

I guess you are hit badly.... unfortunately, most of the people think love is like in movies... true love is when you get married and really engaged to live with the same person and share responsibilities and raise kids... he you can ask yourself.. is this love whatever I feel of??

this is just my personnel opinion

2 u ALL said...


Its Love

نعم هو من تقولين ... حافظي عليه ونميه وطوريه .. لأنه هو الذي يبقي أذا كان صادقاً .. وهو الذي يذبل أن لم تطوريه أو كان كاذبا .. وهو الذي يشعل القلب أحاسيس وسعاده .. ويروي النفس راحه و فرح

عليك بألف عافيه .. وانشاء الله نسمع منك كل خير

Moi said...


nice post...

Anonymous said...

Love. I still don't get it really. I couldn't tell.

Unknown said...

Its totly - a runway love

nice words

ما احب اعلق بالانجلش ماما اسمها يرجع حق سنين الطواعين وانا اتحجى انجلش:)
بس كلما جميلة جدا بالحب واحساس الحب ياريت ما ينطفى
صج نسيت
اذا الله كتبلج انشاء الله الزواج الصالح
استخدمى شغلة اسمها تجديد الحب

Cr8ivia said...


hehehe love is great but im not into it .. just nice words :)






هههههه مجرد صورة عطتني اياها رفيجتي ..
اكره حب الفالانتاين و الشموع
و مع حب الاجداد قلبا و قالبا
dont worry ;)



i totaly agree with u !



i totaly agree with u !

Cr8ivia said...

2 u ALL

hmmmm lilasaf just a cool song lyrics :S not a real feeling ..
fal khair ;)


Peaceful Mind

thank you :)
7ayyak Allah



7ayyaak Allah
i dont get it too !



inshalla mishare :)
7ayyak Allah

Seema* said...

ما يحتاي كلام =))

..G.. said...

love is what makes the whole ride in this life worthwhile :)

P.s. Si2lay mjarib wala 6abeeb ;)

Cr8ivia said...





ya imjarib ;)

Kuw_Son said...

sure this is love symbtoms :)

PearL said...

it's Love

Mudhaf said...

انا اسال نفس السؤال
tell me could this be love?

cosimfree911 said...

well no one know love hathee almoshkelaaa ;)

bs u will know it for sure lamaa aykoon true love inshalaa :)

3ateeja said...

عنجريزي .....ماكو فايده

Loura said...

Touching words, but unfortunately.. i dont have the answer.